Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hydrangea Blooms

These gorgeous blooms were brought to 
me yesterday by a Redwoods' friend.
The blooms are HUGE.

I tried to paint a couple of them in my
journal yesterday. Having a hobby like
watercolor journal keeping helps the 
hours go by when you are needing 
to be quiet.

My leg is healing nicely, if not slowly, and the best
thing is the news of a CLEAN pathology report 
that I got by email from Kaiser yesterday.

Now, all I need do is to be patient and to 
THANK GOD for the healing. 
A friend is driving me to our early church 
service this morning 
and I am going to do just that.

Thank you, God for the healing and for so 
much love and blessings you have been sending my way.

1 comment:

Marj said...

That is a lovely painting of those Hydrangeas (?) You did a fine job on the colors. Hope your eye implant (s) go well. I've had 2 of them and they are wonderful. Keep up the watercolors....such a joy to keep up with them.