Saturday, February 25, 2012

Another glorious sunny week in Marin

I've enjoyed hanging out in our patio.

Strawberries and Asparagus are my 2 favorite spring foods.


Thursday, I took a mini break at the beach.
It was quite windy out there.
It made the sky crystal clear and the 
air was so clean and fresh.

Our annual Crab Feed, a major fund raiser,
 put on by volunteers is tonight,
We serve 320 people in two sittings.
There are scores of volunteers all working
hard to make this a success.

The funds raised by the dinner, silent auction and raffle
are used to keep our 17 passenger bus up and running.

Yesterday, there were many of us that helped to 
put these tables together. I was an official
napkin, utensil, crab bib wrapper!

As I was doing my wrapping and rolling,
I managed to have a chair drop on my foot!
Now, I am hobbling around with two
very black and blue toes. I am a 
vegan so I am not having the dinner.
Instead, I'll sit with my foot up, wrapped in 
frozen peas and enjoy a simple meal in my apartment.


Timaree said...

I love the colorful table that was set for the dinner!

I saw the Woman's Day February magazine when I was last at my daughter's house. I copied the recipe for the COVER photo and guess what it was? It was a recipe for vegetarian chili but the only thing I had to leave off was the sprinkle of cheese they added as a garnish as it was vegan the rest of the way and boy, was it a good chili! Well, I guess I changed a bit more as I didn't use the same beans or the bell pepper (subbed a different hottish one since my daughter really does not like bell peppers) but it was different in that it had wheat berries in it for chewiness. Mmmm. I'm taking the recipe to my son when I visit him. I am telling you because it seems vegetarianism and veganism are becoming much more mainstream. Wouldn't it be fun if you could plan a vegan meal for everyone where you live that would make even the meat eaters happy?

Timaree said...

Oh, I forgot, I hope your toes are doing much better!