Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 6 Report - Healing Continues to Happen

I woke up this morning without a lot of pain, just soreness... the body is an amazing thing. How does it do all this? Hmmmm, there must be a Master Healer somewhere around here!  I have been pretty faithful about keeping my leg up during the day as you can see here.... this is me at my desk/work and art table arrangement :-)

Yesterday, the big event was going downstairs for an hour to sit in The Redwoods' library and read for awhile. It was good to chat with people and to be in a different place. 

All the time that I have been home mending,  I have had an open door policy. I keep my front door open so people coming down the hall can pop in to say hi. Our corridor has 8 apartments and we are all very friendly with one another. Someone offers to put my garbage down the chute, another brings me the NY Times after they have read it each day, others just stop in briefly for a visit to keep my current with the news of the day. Yesterday, someone brought me lettuce from our organic garden. This is just one of the blessings of living in a community, you never need to be alone and when you want you, can shut the door and have all the privacy you want or need.

I get my stitches removed on the 8th and hope to hear the good news of a positive path report at that time. I welcome prayers and good thoughts for a clean margin report and complete healing. THEN, I will be home free and can put this whole unpleasant business behind me.

So many people have reached out and have helped me in so many ways .... I am in a place of gratitude to have such a wonderful family and a loving circle of supportive friends.

Facebook has been a great place to stay in touch and keep me connected to the big world outside my door.

1 comment:

Marj said...

So glad you are getting better! Always nice to have friends to enjoy. Keep well, and keep painting! Marj. M.