Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Joy Filled Christmas Sunday Morning

After what has been a difficult week for so many
of us that have been trying to process
the terrible news from CT,
seeing the Children's Christmas Pageant
this morning was a welcome relief.

It was a poignant moment to see these 
precious and innocent children in all their finery.
They are so sweet.
My heart goes out to all the families 
that are touched by loss.
It makes me treasure my children and 
grandchildren even more today.

On a lighter note, I loved seeing the little 
ones between services as they shed their
wings and costumes for a little play time.
There were games and art projects for 
them to enjoy as they waited for
the second service.

We have such a great children and youth
program at church.
Lots of parents help and our children
and youth pastors are outstanding!

The church is so beautiful, it has been 
done in simple decor using a lot of
natural materials and dried flowers.

I appreciate the simplicity of the altar.

Back home at The Redwoods, we have lots 
of great holiday trimmings.
This is just one of two beautiful trees.

I no longer put up a tree and
I enjoy having them nearby.
My apartment is decked out with
cards from friends and family.
That is enough.
Simple works well for me this season.

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