Thursday, December 6, 2012

SFSU Handbell Choir

We had a wonderful concert tonight put on by 
the San Francisco State University 
Handbell Choir.
The players are professors, staff and friends 
that get together to create beautiful music. 
They have been  an ensemble for years. 
The choir puts on several concerts 
each season for the community.

There were 12 players using  a set of handbells 
that costs about $25,000.00.
They also played hand chimes which are 
much less expensive and are used in schools.

Then the fun began as they passed out hand 
chimes and bells.
Many of us were given an
opportunity to join in 
and play a bell or chime.
Mine was  the note, G.  
Each time the word of 
the song was circled I was to ring and 
then stop the sound each time
a word was underlined
It was a kick, like patting your tummy and 
circling your hand on your head at the same time!

It was lots of fun and I loved seeing some of our
really senior folk chiming and ringing away. 
What a wonderful gift to bring to The Redwoods!

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