Thursday, March 28, 2013

Harvest Thursday and My Weekly Food Prep

I have been eating a very healthy food plan 
that I learned from Dr. Joel Furhman 
who is the author of 
Eat to Live, Eat for Health
and Super Immunity.

His plan includes lots of greens, beans, mushrooms, 
onions, berries, seeds and nuts.

I have felt so good since eating this way.
 It is well worth the effort and prep time.

I get lots of wonderful greens from our Organic Garden. 
I wash them, stem them and then put them into this greens' keeper. 
They stay nice and fresh for over a week.
We get spinach, bok choy, collard greens, 
and two kinds of kale.

One handy tool I use is my wooden bowl
and chopper. It does a great job
chopping greens and other veggies 
and they stay contained in the bowl.

Each week, I cook up 2-3  sliced onions,  
I cook them slowly carmelizing them. 
When the onions are ready, 
I add a bag of sliced crimini mushrooms.
After the mushrooms and onions cook down, 
I remove the majority of them to use in 
my salads each day for lunch.
They keep quite well in the fridge.
 I then throw a  whole pot full of greens
into my soup pot, cover and then steam them. 
I have enough for the making of 2 dinners.

While I was waiting for the onions to caramelize,
I made lemon juice cubes from our lemon trees.
I add a cube or two to my smoothies and to 
my ice water. Delicious and tasting so fresh!

After over a year and a half of eating the Fuhrman way, 
I finally broke down and got myself a VitaMix blender.
It does an amazing job of blending 4 tamped cups 
of greens into a smoothie.
I also got a smaller container 
when I am just making one smoothie for me.
This machine can pulverize anything 
no matter how hard it is. 
I use the tamper at times to get the 
greens down into the blades.

This morning's breakfast was 3 cups of spinach leaves,
1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup pomegranate juice, 1/2 cup frozen
blueberries and 1/2 frozen banana. It was delicious and held
me all morning with just 12 oz. of a green drink.

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