Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Slow Week for Elizabeth

These are the things that loomed large in my life for the past week. And, of course, the couch which was my main place of domicile since last Thursday. Thankfully, things are looking up and I ventured out today to make a Costco run for more supplies and a couple of more books. Came home and took a nap after all that extra activity.

In days of yore, when I was younger, I would bounce back from these bugs in just a few days. I guess all that info about older people having crummy immune systems must have some truth to it.

Any way, I am on the mend and just wanted to capture my favorite things for the week in my moleskin journal.


nanke's stuff said...

Kleenex, water, meds .... what more could a girl want? Oh yes, a good book and art supplies! lol nancy

Anonymous said...

I haven't visited here in a while so it was great to see your sketches. I love your little vase - such a good idea to have those extra little holes....
Glad you are on the mend and up and about.

Elizabeth B Merriman said...

How nice to get well wishes from across the seas, don't you love how our art pulls us all together from far places....e

Anonymous said...

Composition of elements and bright colors belie the misery. Wonderful page for a crummy week. Glad you are feeling better.

Unknown said...

Wow! Those colors pop! This is a great page!

Glad your on the mend!